

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We like to have the kids (Ricky, Holly, Keoni & Zachary) over as much as we can. One of the times they came over this summer Keoni brought his cassette player to listen to. Yes, I typed that right. cassette player. He's really into the band Bread right now and my parents only have it on tape which isn't that big of a deal except he wanted to listen to it every waking minute he was over.

Here he is watching Saturday morning cartoons while listening to Bread. lol

Mmmm fruit loops

We also had lots of fun playing in the pool

And of course on the way home Keoni is listening to his tape again... while we are listening to the radio in the car. :) hee hee I love you K-dog.
Tracy went back to college just after Labor day so we had all the kids over one last time before she left. We watched a ton of funny videos on youtube and played Wii games the whole night. Lots of laughing and lots of fun!

The favorite videos of the night were the Kid History Episodes (we love #4) and Star Wars "Thumb Wars" videos.

Zach - Wii bowling!


 Family time :)

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